Utah Infrastructure Alliance:
Building Utah’s Future
Our Mission
The Utah Infrastructure Alliance is intended to educate Utah policymakers and citizens about the role infrastructure construction products – especially rock aggregate materials - play in the growth, progress and wellbeing of Utah.
Growth brings great challenges: obsolete water systems leak billions of gallons of precious water; our need for new housing and workspace is endless; our roads and highways require constant repair and maintenance. And that doesn’t even touch on our need for schools and healthcare facilities.
Our Wasatch Front is one of the fastest growing areas in the country, with huge demand for new or updated infrastructure. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? The answer is “Yes.”
Even those who oppose new facilities in more urban areas - like gravel quarries or asphalt and cement plants – could not live without the products they seek to restrict.
The information on this website is intended to “go beyond the bumper stickers” - to lower the rhetorical temperature and share legitimate information about infrastructure needs and how we can meet them.